Dr Samta Pandey
5 min readJul 28, 2020

Self-care isn’t selfish. your child’s mental depend upon it.

As parents it can be seen that the world’s pressure have amplified from the time baby comes into our life. A typical parent struggles with a lack of sleep, financial stress, juggling work with child care, increased house work and generally not having time for yourself.

When we don’t care for our-self we can’t be effective parents that we want to be.

We know that to help our children to manage their emotions that need a calm adult to regulate with them and work through. We know there are times of incomplete sleep or we are at “breaking point” from over commitments , our tolerance level are low. we become as reactive parent as our kids and end up modelling the behavior that we desperately want them to stop.


It is anything that helps us to feel restored rather than exhausting us. this “anything” may vary from person to person. However, there is one common point of this restoration and that is inner fulfillment and enlightenment.

It includes the activities that makes us strong mentally and emotionally which comes by regular practice and dedication.



It is so important not to neglect the basics. Sleep, eating, exercise and regular health check-ups. but if our body aren't functioning well , how do we expect to do everything that we need to do? I don’t think we need too much convincing that we need sleep , eating etc. These allows our body to repair themselves and our brains to consolidate.

Poor sleep causes weak immune system and mental health problems such as anxiety and depressions. When it comes to exercise , we just can’t jump out of beds. exercise is good for our emotional health too. it increases our serotonin levels leading to improved mood and energy.


It depends upon the age of child which physical self — care they need. it could be as simple as brushing the teeth, washing hands etc. we can explain that it is important that we look after our bodies and by doing these things they are doing what they need to stay healthy.

Never force the kids to do it , this will cause them to associate with negative experience only. for example, forcing them to eat particular vegetable.

The important thing is the regularity which could be bought by when we practice that with them and they feel inspired.



Parenting can be incredibly mentally overwhelming . The best ways that we can care about mental health is to learn to say “no”. We need to recognize our boundaries that keep us feeling like we are coping well and stick to it.

Work out the things you need, how often you need this and make priority.


Identifying and expressing feelings is something that need to be learned and this can be acquired as early as age of 3.helping children to verbalize the emotions is as simple as teaching feeling words and discussing the emotions of character in your child’s favorite story.

Encourage them to draw how are they feeling. These simple strategies can go a long way in benefiting their social relationships.

Children who use emotion-related words were found to have less difficulty making friends. The ability to use words to express emotions gives young children a valuable tool to support their mental health.



Learning to relax and calm ourselves will benefit every aspect of life. we need to know that stopping and being present help us to move from an emotional and stressed state to calm place.

you could do a breath control yoga, can do mantra meditation, can go to calm places and spend time with yourself.


Make a “downtown” priority.everyone can benefit for sometime without the high pressure of activities or the over stimulation of screens. Choose a time in your child’s routine where they can choose a quite activity that they enjoy that helps them to feel calm.

It is always good idea to teach your child relaxation and mindfulness. like mantra meditation, prayers, plays etc.


A lack of self-care can create a downward spiral. If we are stressed and overwhelmed we can’t be empathetic and patient parents.This can then cause us to feel guilty.

Taking care of ourselves helps us to be best parent that we can be. On top of this we will be helping kids to learn importance of self care and gives them coping strategies for life.

I talk more on parenting on my private facebook group “CONSCIOUS PARENTING FEEDS”



Dr Samta Pandey

Hello everyone!! This is Dr Samta. A dentist by profession and a Parenting Expert by passion. I help parents to raise spiritual, confident and conscious child.